Sunday, November 14, 2010

MATH 24!!!

TWO weeks in a row our class has successfully won the Math 24 trophy. They really enjoy playing these fun and educational math games. Playing both at school and at home helps the students earn more stickers to add to our class total. Every morning we check to see who the player of the day is and they receive "monkey money" and hang their picture in the hallway. They are very proud of their achievements so far in this math 24 journey!

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, Nov. 16: Math Test
Wednesday, Nov. 17: Science Quiz
Wednesday, Nov. 17-Tuesday, Nov. 23rd--half days & Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd: Science Ch. 7 test
Wednesday, Nov. 24th--1/2 day
Thursday, Nov. 25: Happy Thanksgiving, no school through Monday, Nov. 29)

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving with your family!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spooky October

Our class had a great time creating Haunted House Advertisements this past month. Students wrote descriptions about their houses that they were selling and created a matching house using their creativity at home. They all enjoyed sharing their finished projects with the rest of the class.

We also had a great time at our Fall Festival. The students had a contest to see which group had the most creative, beautiful, team work, and craziest mummy. They had a great time and worked really hard to create their mummies!