Friday, January 28, 2011


Where exactly did January go???? I think we were home more than in school! We still had a chance to do many fun things when we were here though.
See pictures....math center with Mrs. Youtz
Math 24 winners again!!!
Reading a play "Pushing Up the Sky"
11th graders from the high school presentation and activities to go with Martin Luther, King, Jr.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

MATH 24!!!

TWO weeks in a row our class has successfully won the Math 24 trophy. They really enjoy playing these fun and educational math games. Playing both at school and at home helps the students earn more stickers to add to our class total. Every morning we check to see who the player of the day is and they receive "monkey money" and hang their picture in the hallway. They are very proud of their achievements so far in this math 24 journey!

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, Nov. 16: Math Test
Wednesday, Nov. 17: Science Quiz
Wednesday, Nov. 17-Tuesday, Nov. 23rd--half days & Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd: Science Ch. 7 test
Wednesday, Nov. 24th--1/2 day
Thursday, Nov. 25: Happy Thanksgiving, no school through Monday, Nov. 29)

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving with your family!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spooky October

Our class had a great time creating Haunted House Advertisements this past month. Students wrote descriptions about their houses that they were selling and created a matching house using their creativity at home. They all enjoyed sharing their finished projects with the rest of the class.

We also had a great time at our Fall Festival. The students had a contest to see which group had the most creative, beautiful, team work, and craziest mummy. They had a great time and worked really hard to create their mummies!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Math Games

Addition, subtraction, rounding, comparing numbers!!! We have been practicing all of these math skills with many review games. The students love these activities as they practice, practice, practice math. Many of the games can be played with cards at home. The game Close to 100 came home last week with directions and game recording sheet. There's no better time then now to plan a game night with the family!!!!

The students have also been studying maps and globes. Last week they worked with a partner to find different locations on a Pennsylvania map. They had to practice using the compass rose and learned the names of many cities in PA!!

Important Dates:

Friday, October 22--Spelling Test, Chapter 2 Social Studies Test--Map Skills

Monday, October 25--Haunted House Displays and advertisements due

Friday, October 29--Fall Festival Celebration and parade

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010

Welcome to October!!! Happy Fall and cooler weather for our classroom!

*Upcoming events:

Tuesday 10/5: Social Studies Test "Citizenship"--Study Guide was distributed last Thursday.
Thursday 10/7: Math Test: Study Guide will be given on Monday.
Students have off this Friday 10/8 and Monday 10/11.

We are having a fundraising assembly tomorrow morning (Monday 10/4) and students will be bringing home the packet to place orders.

Have a great week!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Welcome to a new school year here at Forks Elementary School! Our third grade class is off to a wonderful beginning. We have a class full of excited learners who enjoy being with family and friends, reading, learning more math and science, sports, and many other things. They have settled into our classroom routine and have set goals for their third grade year.

It was wonderful meeting all of the parents this past Tuesday at Open House! Thank you for coming out and visiting our classroom.

School book fair is next week. We have library on Day 3.
Spelling test Wednesday (-le words)!

*Learning about:
Citizenship in Social Studies
Rounding in Math
Singular/Plural Nouns in Grammar
Visualizing, story structure, & summary writing in Reading
Descriptive Writing about autumn using our senses

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Volcanic Eruption

After reading about volcanoes in various stories in our reading book, we celebrated the final day of PSSA's by building volcanoes of our own. The third graders then went outside and erupted their volcanoes. It was an exciting site to see. It was a great ending to a week of hard work and assessments!! Go Team Hatten!!!!